
The Pirate Party of Canada's platform deals primarily with information policy and civil liberties. Outside of these matters, we usually defer to a participatory democratic process and/or the opinions of experts. If we can set a framework for effective democracy, we will achieve the best public policy through collaboration across the political spectrum. The genesis of the information age has brought us two major changes that need attention in public policy in Canada. The first is positive- the unprecedented access to information and communications technology that Canadians are now privileged with. The sum of all human knowledge in every home. This is something that needs to be embraced in the law.

The second change is the degradation of civil liberties. We now live in public, on CCTV and tracked by cellphones. The right to free assembly is being constantly tested. Lawmakers are writing laws to censor the internet, and monitor web users. The old guard of Canadian politics are fighting to maintain an antiquated and undemocratic electoral system because it helps them maintain power. Cutting edge journalism that holds power accountable is being criminalized while the largest newspaper and television news companies profit off of yellow journalism- empty sensationalism.

We would like to build a participatory democratic culture, and we believe in order to do that we need to make sure that people have access to information that is relevant to their well-being. An informed electorate will make the best decisions. Government transparency is a necessary prerequisite for government accountability.

The Internet has the potential to be an equitable, cheap and effective global communications network, and at the same time a decentralized global library, a complete and continually growing collection of human culture and knowledge. The current trend in global policy on information issues is far from ideal. The Pirate Party strives to reframe the debate on information.

Our platform for the next Federal election is still being developed, but our platform from election 41 is available here. The platform was intended to be a roadmap of specific, measurable goals that we could guarantee a pirate candidate would deliver on. We are always seeking innovative new ideas for policy, and we welcome all people regardless of political affiliation to contribute. You can submit ideas on our forums, via e-mail, or in our policy subreddit.

We are politicians in self-defence. We fear our rights to speak freely, participate in culture, and have our voice heard in government are threatened by incompetent bureaucrats who do not understand technology. This is why we must stand up, become representatives for cutting edge ideas, foster innovation and participation, and take over parliament!

Keep Seeding!

Shawn Vulliez
Leader, Pirate Party of Canada