
The Pirate Party of Canada strives to reform Canadian information laws to meet the needs of the new century. We are supporters of free culture, transparent and accountable government, and engaging democracy.

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Party Discipline: An Undemocratic Exercise

Last Month, Bruce Hyer quit the NDP caucus over issues of strict party discipline. Hyer was one of two MPs who voted against the long-gun registry counter to the wishes of their party. Hyer was stripped of his critic roles and banned from asking questions in the House of Commons by the NDP leadership as …

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Canadian Bill C-11 - Harmful to Free Software

Originally posted on Techrights on March 15, 2012.

Co-authored with Roy Schestowitz

Summary: A Free software-centric Bill C-11 analysis

At Techrights, we are heavily involved in the issue of software patents and the harm to Free (as in freedom) software that they can cause. In Canada, however, the issue of software patents has …

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Pirate Parties International: The New Board

Europe is all abuzz with the latest successes of the Pirate Party in Germany, who are currently running with double-digit approval rating in polls, thereby making it the #3 party in Germany (1). The successes of Sweden, the Czech Republic, Switzerland and the astounding success in Germany have moved the party forward throughout the eyes …

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Pirate Party of Canada Condemns lawsuit based on Facebook updates

The Pirate Party of Canada condemns Thursday’s filing of a lawsuit by a mining company in British Columbia against its environmental critics on the basis of Facebook posts and website updates. The Wilderness Committee was founded as a non-profit organisation dedicated to preserving Canadian natural heritage more than thirty years ago. For the past twenty …

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C-11 and ACTA Protests

What is ACTA ( http://www.international.gc.ca/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/fo/intellect_property.aspx?view=d ) ? ACTA, is a treaty which Canada has already signed. The very spirit of ACTA gives governments and corporations the right to block websites displaying the leaked content, such as Wikileaks for example (but also music, images, etc) as well as all sites sharing some of that information. …

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